How it all started...
While serving on staff at a Church in the deep south (a suburb of Mobile, Alabama) Pastor Pat Finley and his wife Pam surrendered to the call of God to move their family to Winchester, KY for the sole purpose of planting a new Church. On April 19, 1992, Pastor Pat preached before a small gathering of about 50 people in the atrium of Clark Middle School.
The group continued meeting on Sunday mornings for corporate worship as well as a mid-week, in-home bible study. The emerging Church met in the Holiday Inn of Winchester for the first 5 months, but then returned to the Middle School for the next couple of Years. Grace Baptist chartered in September of 1992 with 40 Charter Members and soon thereafter purchased 22 acres of land on U.S. 60 (where we are currently located). Excavation and construction began immediately. A simple 5000 sq. ft. steel building was soon erected on a 5000 sq. ft. basement.

Expanding the vision...
In order to continue making room for others to hear the good news of Jesus, our primary worship space received a 5400 sq. ft. addition in the year 2001. Currently the Church has completed phase 1 of a 40,000 sq. ft. master plan.
Where we are headed...
While building buildings are not THE reason for GBC's existence, they are indicative of the work that God has done and is continuing to do in the lives of those in our community. As long as God continues to change lives in and through the ministries of GBC, we will continue to make room for others!

A bright future...
With the promises of the Word of God, the fruit of God's saving grace among us and the sense of expectancy within our growing congregation, we cannot help but believe that the greatest days of Grace Baptist Church are yet to come!
Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship Jesus together at 9:30am & 11am.